As a kid, I rode horses until the age of 10, when I lost the ability to walk (due to a rare, progressive form of congenital muscular dystrophy).
One day, the horse I was riding decided to bolt and suddenly swerved to a halt, throwing me on the floor with an almighty bump.
Slightly shaken and slumped in a muddy puddle, with a bruised arse and a missing boot, I had two choices.
Unable to get up and walk away, I could either sit there and wallow, or clamber back on the horse.
As tempted as I was to avoid the risk and mope in the mud, I opted to get back on the frisky mare.
There’s a lesson there, somewhere…
Life can knock you down, again and again.
Sometimes you find yourself asking, “why me? What have I done to deserve this crap?”
There is often no rhyme or reason and, at times, it may feel like you just can’t catch a break. But, shit happens.
The point is, it’s up to you whether or not you try to pull yourself out of the muddy puddle.
Find the thing, the person, the people that motivates you to overcome and battle on.
I never did find my riding boot, though. Maybe the horse stole it. Bitch!